1400 Summit Ave Suite E, Plano, Texas 75074 ~ 972-881-3228
A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Art Centre Theatre organization is funded in part by the City of Plano.
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This page contains the very latest iterations of important documents used in managing and tracking ACT activities. The table below contains a link to retrieve the image along with a description.
Depending on your browser, retrieval of the documents below can be achieved by a left-click on the Word Document link, which generally issues a prompt allowing you to open the document in it's native application (i.e. MS Word or Adobe Reader) or save it to your local system.
A right-click will usually issue a prompt with similar options, often more, such as allowing you to save the link itself versus the document. Please let the Webmaster know if you encounter difficulties.
Latest and Greatest
We're using this section of the Web site to support ACT Staff and Board members. No job is finished until the paperwork is done! Links here allow you to retrieve documents, templates, and related ephemera that are needed for the various operations in and around ACT. Please let us know if there are things we need to add, change, or remove.
1st File: This file is the Shelf Stock List that the cast helps replenish. Stock in the refrigerator comes from the Shelf Stock in concessions. 2nd File is for your concessions manager.
Program Template
This document is an MS Publisher template for ACT programs. Comments within the template explain layout and other options.
Ad Sales Page is if you have acquired sponsors for the show. They will be added in to said program by you.
Donation Form
This document is an pdf of what you need to print out if you donate any items to the theatre.
Production Contract (Minor)
This must be filled out by the director for a specific youth (aged 17 and under) actor involved in an ACT production, providing information such as scheduling, performance dates/times, etc. Word format. Yellow highlighting indicates where the Director must provide details. Then it should be printed and presented for initialization and signature of the Director and the Artist. Changes may not be made to the text of this contract without the express permission and intialing of the change from the ACT Executive Director.
Production Contract (Adult)
This must be filled out by the director for a specific adult (aged 18 and older) actor involved in an ACT production, providing information such as scheduling, performance dates/times, etc. Word format. Yellow highlighting indicates where the Director must provide details. Then it should be printed and presented for initialization and signature of the Director and the Artist. Changes may not be made to the text of this contract without the express permission and intialing of the change from the ACT Executive Director.
Contract for Directors
This must be filled out by the Executive Director for every Director hired for an ACT Production ACT. Word format. Yellow highlighting indicates where the Executive Director and Director must provide details. Then it should be printed and presented for initialization and signature of the Director and Executive Director. Changes may not be made to the text of this contract without the express permission and intialing of the change from the ACT Executive Director.
Seating Chart needs to filled with patrons names and highlighted if they came up to the Ticket Office. Every patron who shows up has to check in at the Ticket Office before seating.
Walk In List is for writing down patrons who have not purchased a ticket online. When they pay in cash or credit card you write their Name, Ticket Quantity, Dollar Amount Payed, and method of payment (Cash or Credit Card)
Everything needs to be filled out that way your show is properly calculated with patron sales.
End of Show
At the end of each performance assign your actors should help make sure the building is still in good order.