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To Heather & Steve Caine ACT thanks you so much!

Re-opening is never an easy thing to do; donating during this hard time touched our hearts.

For your love of the arts and your generosity to ACT is a treasure.

From the executive director to the staff to the actors and to our community who has found a home at ACT, we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Were you not able to view the first? Does ACT have good news. The Upstagers, ACT's very own Performance Troupe, are revamping their beloved Backwards Broadway Revue! A one night event. Join us as we kick off the first show of the 2021 season!

ACT's is thrilled, extremely ecstatic, to be once again supporting our own community. After a much long anticipated wait we're ready to re-reopen back up. We hope to see all of our wonderful family, friends, and community here.

***Masks are strongly encouraged***

***Masks are strongly encouraged***


We are happy to announce our first online production! Thank you to our stellar and rock star group of Andy Stangby, Rachel Catlett, Susan O'Brain, Ana Fernandez, Aaron Tom, Elisabeth Hassenboehler, Brook Baker, Michael Christian, Abigail Bouska, Mario Estep, Nick Estep, Meghann Dodd, Candy Von Jameson, Nicole Hanson, Andrea Fernandez Tom for taking the time and creating a wonderful and fun online show.

Please support these amazing people. They had a blast creating this for you, and it would mean a lot to them and our Community Theatre if you watched the FREE video on our Online Productions Tab.

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