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Friends, family, strangers… It's no easy task to write this letter. ACT has been upholding itself for the past fifteen years off of community growth and a mutual love for the arts. That’s why we do what we do. There is, however, an unfortunate aspect of the job is having to grovel for money. We at ACT aren’t ignorant to the financial and social state of the world, and am sure that at just the mention of turning over your pockets, you wince. We know, we’re feeling it too. It is, however, because of such reasons that ACT has done its best for years to offer free summer camps and other programs that become easily accessible for those in financial hardship so that everybody can enjoy the arts. Though the free summer camps did cost us just some short of a grand per child (being 300-500 children the entire summer), there is nothing more gratifying than watching a child discover a passion that’ll stick with them for the rest of their life. And whilst that was an immense joy, and we don’t regret a second of it, this year the tide has turned and ACT can no longer offer the free summer camps due to the lack of funding. It costs about $210,000-$350,000 per summer to upkeep these expenses ($15,000 going to providing free lunch & snacks to each child), and while we have raised about $120,000– we are significantly under quota for these summer camps.

The unfortunate truth is we may not have our cake and eat it too. We will not be able to help out as many kids this summer, but that does not mean we will not help out any kids this summer. We are asking for financial help in order to fund as many kids as we can in order to help children receive one of the fastest dying, yet integral, pieces of humanity essential to life: passion. We here at ACT know that money is tight, but even just a slight donation can make all the difference. Now, there’s multiple different ways one can go about sending a donation to ACT.

First, we have a Legacy Chair Donation.

 You can sponsor a child by purchasing a legacy seat in our audience and 100% of those funds will cover tuition and all costs for the child. Your name will be placed on the chair with a tasteful brass name plate, or you may choose to engrave the plate with the name of your choice… These plates will remain on the seats in perpetuity. This donation also entitles you to an ACT Membership which is based on your level of monetary donation, click the link below to make said donation and find out your member benefits.




     2. Sponsor A Kid. If you are not interested in a legacy chair purchase, you can donate 100.00 or more and up to help sponsor one of the Children!! 

***This donation also entitles you to an ACT Membership which is based on your level of monetary donation, click the link below to make said donation and find out your member benefits.***


Contact to enter your kid into a short, lovable 45-page melodrama about The Dirty Dalton Gang! This hilarious show is a great entry into theatre, and a funny, sweet family show that'll have you laughing! As a melodrama, you get to interact with the show! Tuition for each child would be just $100 , and there's 12 roles-- making it practically confirmed that your child will have quite the role! Rehearsals would be Tuesdays 6-8 and Saturdays 10-2. Again, contact if you are interested in putting your child into the silliest show of a lifetime!

*Performance dates are May 17-26, and more information can be shared via emails.


Give your kids quality programs to be in for affordable prices. Check out the blog for how to sign up. :)

A Melodrama for the kids?

What's not to love?

They can have silly fun performing and rehearsal in this chill show.

We can work around your schedules if you have conflicts.

Rehearsal schedule:

Fridays April 9, 16, 23,30 & May 7 6-8

Saturdays  April 13, 20,27 & May 4 & 11 10-2


Set Build 4-8 May 12


Tech Week 6-8:30 May 13-16 


Performance Dates:

May 17,18, 24,25 Fridays and Saturdays at 7:00 Sunday 19 at 3:30 Sunday the 26 at 1:30 


We can work around your schedules if you have conflicts.

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