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Redeem your ignorance for a night with our famed lecturer, here to discuss the dangers of marijuana! The deadly stick of debauchery and degrading the average American teen. Save your children from the horrific fate of falling victim to the stick of Satan! Secure yourself a seat at the famed lecture at

Rated R


It's the Dirty Dalton Gang!

A very fast paced show, a popcorn throwing, BOO and HISS signs, lets of overacting and silliness melodrama is coming to the Art Centre Theatre!

Find yourself drawn in by a female sheriff, a miner with a puppet coyote of a father, and more goofy and quirky characters awaiting your applauses (or BOOs, given the signs). Join the Art Centre Theatre for a night with this rowdy gang!

Show Rating: PG

Ticket Cost: $25

Show Run: 1 Hour

Light Sensitivity: Low Risk

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