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1400 Summit Ave Suite E, Plano, Texas 75074 ~ 972-881-3228
A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Art Centre Theatre organization is funded in part by the City of Plano.
(Once registered. We will be checking our database to make sure you are a ACT returner. Note: if you are not an ACT returner and use the coupons we will be required to have you pay the remainder amount that is owed. )
We have a discount for multiple children.
To grab those discounts please email us at
Click the button below to email.
Full Day Camp Coupons
Winnie The Pooh = actfampoohbear
Disenchanted = actfamdisenchanted
Wizard of Oz = actfamwizardofoz
Alice in Wonderland = actfamwonderland
Half Day Camp Coupons
Winnie The Pooh = actfamhalfwinne
Disenchanted = actfamhalfenchant
Wizard of Oz = actfamhalfOZ
Alice in Wonderland = actfamhalfwonder
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